Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back to my roots

Back in January 2007, I purchased a new digital camera... a Nikon D80. For me, it's a trip back to my roots. In high school and college, I was the photographer. I took pictures of everything. Then along came television journalism and I put down my film still camera for a television camera. Now 25 years later (yikes!), I've picked up a still camera again. This time it's digital and so much more versatile than the old film cameras. Now my darkroom is Photoshop and I don't have to deal with all those chemicals. Although I still think that's why Mr. Sittner gave me an 'A' in high school chemistry... because I could mix all kinds of darkroom chemicals and make a photograph appear out of a dark room!

So now I'm having a blast with shooting photo- graphs again. Through taking shots of friends, I've stumbled into portrait photography and helping prospective models with portfolio shoots. It's been great. I've got to work with some great models over the last few weeks.

Thanks to Josue, Daniel, Omar and Eddie for putting up with me taking photos of them all the time. They let me "practice" my craft on them and experiment with lighting and focus and exposure until I'm sure they were sick of it. But I hope they think it was worth as they've seen my photography progress over the last six months. As a matter of fact, Daniel asked me the other day when I was going to shoot him again "with good lighting" like I'm doing for the models. I took that as a back-handed compliment! :-)

Some of my recent photos...

More to come!

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